Students Activities and Clubs


Quiz Club
Movie Club

ITAC - IISER Tirupati Astronomy Club

Sports Club
Arts Club

Creative Filming Club
The Lit Club

Classical Arts Club
Physics Club

The Math Club
The aim of the club is to enhance the knowledge of its members with regard to various topics in mathematics. Each of the math club members takes a topic or a paper and reads up on it. A meeting is held thrice a week. In each meeting, one of the members presents whatever they have read so far. Also, on Science Day, the club puts up an exhibition which has a lot of math games and puzzles, explaining the logic behind them.
The Birding club
The Birding Club of IISER Tirupati has been actively documenting wildlife around Tirupati for past one year. We have organised short trips on many weekends to various locations in and around Tirupati. We organised trips to locations like the Pulicat Lake to observe the Migratory Wetland birds like Flamingos and Pelicans. The amazing performance of our birders at the Campus Bird Count of 2018 where we were placed at the fifth most diverse campus in India in terms of the number of species is a testament to the overwhelming enthusiasm showed by the students and faculty here. The club will continue to organize more exciting trips and events in the future and is thankful for the amazing response and participation from the IISER Tirupati community.