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Derek Cyrus Gomes

Academic background:

        I am an Integrated PhD student in the Department of Physics at IISER Tirupati. Prior to joining IISER, I did my B.Sc. in Physics from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata.

Advisor information:

Dr. Tapan Chandra Adhyapak is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at IISER Tirupati. He works in the broad research areas of active matter, nonequilibrium statistical physics, driven soft and biological systems. His group uses analytical and numerical methods to study these systems at the single particle level, as well as in the limit of large length and time scales where the systems comprise enormous numbers of particles. Additionally, in suitable situations, the group also employs multiscale methods that bridge these two separate realms.

Dr. Tapan Chandra Adhyapak did his M.Sc. from IIT Guwahati and PhD from IISc., Bengaluru. After that he completed two postdoctoral fellowships at the Technical University, Berlin and Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, respectively and did a short postdoctoral stint at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Mainz before joining IISER Tirupati in 2019.

Research interests:

Dense suspensions of active particles show properties that are distinct from dilute suspensions. Unusual flow patterns and collective particle dynamics are observed which are strikingly different from those observed in dilute suspensions. Owing to the crowded environment in a highly mobile system, probing individual particles to gain complete insights into the dynamics is difficult in experiments. Motivated by this we are interested in investigating these systems using analytical and numerical techniques. Using hydrodynamic calculations we show that in cramped situations flows around individual swimmers are dramatically altered, leading to modified interactions between different swimmers. We are now probing how these observations show up in the collective dynamics of the whole system.

Courses taken in PhD:

None (85 credits of coursework were completed during the first 2 years of the IPhD program).

Teaching assistantships:

PHY111 (Foundations of Physics – I : Classical Mechanics) , Monsoon Semester 2020.


Derek C. Gomes , G. Ambika , Frequency locking , Quasiperiodicity and Chaos due to special relativistic effects (paper Accepted)