Used for drying and dispensing solvents under inert conditions. Columns support dry hexane, dichloromethane, tetrahydromethane & toluene
Category: Chemistry
Glove Box Workstation: MBRAUN UNILAB PLUS ECO
For storing & carrying out work/reaction which require Inert atmosphere with 4 ports & built in refrigerator.
Rheometer: Anton Paar MCR 302
Any type or combination of rheological tests, both in rotational and oscillatory mode is possible.
UV-Vis spectrophotometer: Thermo Scientific, Evolution 201
Used for qualitative & quantitative analysis of analytes such as transition metal ions, conjugated organic compounds, and biological macromolecules.
Semi preparatory HPLC: Waters 1525 Binary pump HPLC
Used for low scale separation & isolation of compounds. Extended flow rate range (up to 22.50 mL/min) for use with 10 to 19 mm I.D. columns
GC-MS: Agilent 5977B
For analysis of low molecular weight volatile and semi-volatile organic and inorganic compounds. EI and CI ionization sources with GC-FID (7890B) & GC-MSD (5977B) detectors.
Table Top NMR: Magritek 60 MHz spinsolve 60 ULTRA
Capable of recording proton (1H) NMR and 19F NMR of organic & inorganic samples with solvent suppression pulse sequence
Atomic force microscopy (AFM): Park NX10 AFM
Measures the topographic image with resolution on the order of fractions of nanometers with low noise Z detector.
Flash Chromatography: Smart Flash EPCLC Al- 700X
Can purify up to a 300g sample per run. Optimal parameters such as flow rate, run time, fraction volume, etc. will be calculated and set automatically upon selecting the column.
Pencil powered faradaic electrode for Li-ion capacitors with high energy and wide temperature operation
Pencil powered faradaic electrode for Li-ion capacitors with high energy and wide temperature operation.