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Jisvin Sam

Academic Background:

        I completed my B. Tech. in Engineering Physics from NIT Calicut. After that, I joined the Integrated Ph.D. program at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Tirupati. Currently, I am pursuing my thesis work in Computational condensed matter physics.

Research Interest:

Low-dimensional systems are fascinating due to their rich and exotic quantum phases with promising application possibilities in modern technologies. This class of systems has attracted both fundamental and application-orientated research over the past few decades. The reduced length scale, leading to constrained electronic motion along with varying scales of their interactions and quantum fluctuations results in a variety of quantum phases such as insulators with varying density waves, metallic, magnetic, superconducting, etc. Theoretical understanding and explorations of these phases and their response to varying perturbations are extremely challenging due to a large parameter space and quantum fluctuations that demand numerically expensive quantum mechanical treatment.
    1. Development of numerical quantum many-body method based on exact diagonalization and Crank-Nicolson algorithm by adopting Davidson’s algorithm for large matrix inversion to address the following challenges.
    2. Track the time evolution of quantum states of different density waves with varying filling factors under non-equilibrium situations arising from external perturbations.
    3. Interplay of electronic correlations of varying strength and range with different doping and impurities (Anderson and Kondo) and their response towards external perturbations.
    4. Elucidation of control parameters to achieve superconductivity in intercalated layered materials, e.g. silicene, phosphorene, and chalcogenides.

Advisor Information:

Dr. Sudiptta Dutta is a Condensed matter physicist who mainly focuses on understanding exotic properties in reduced dimensions and predicting possible ways to expedite the realization of futuristic electronic devices based on these classes of materials. He uses both theoretical and numerical methodologies to study low-dimensional materials. (Dr. Sudipta Dutta: QTN)

Courses taken:

  • 86 credit courses were taken in the first two years of the integrated Ph.D. program.

Teaching Assistantships:

  • Introduction to Mathematical Methods: IDC111 (BSMS Semester:1)
  • Wave and Optics: PHY121 (Semester: 2)

External Teaching assistantships:

  • Wave and Optics (at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Tirupati)

Publications (peer-reviewed):

1.A. Biswas, R. Bakthavatsalam, D. K. Das, Jisvin Sam , B. P. Mali, C. Biswas, N. Maana, S. Thomson, S. S. K. Raavi, S. Kurungot, R. G. Gonnade, S. Dutta, and J. Kundu,“Synergistic electronic coupling/cross-talk between the isolated metal halide units of zero-dimensional heterometallic (Sb, Mn) halide hybrid with enhanced emission”, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2022), 10 (1), 360-370.